Following the events of Horizon Zero Dawn, machine hunter Aloy races to save the planet’s crumbling biosphere before vicious storms and a mysterious, unstoppable blight...
Sony and Guerilla Games has today announced Horizon Forbidden West: Complete Edition for PS5 and PC. The complete edition will include the main game plus...
Sony has introduced the Deep Earth Collection PS5 accessories. The collection includes 3 new colors for the DualSense Controller and console covers for the PS5...
Sony has announced Playstation Portal remote play device. Previously known as Project Q, the device will allow users to stream PS5 games where ever you...
Sony has rolled out a PS5 beta system software update to selected users. The update includes support for 8TB M.2 SSDs, new accessibility features, Dolby...
Sony and Nixxes Software has revealed PC specifications and features for Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart which releases next week. The developers have implemented DirectStorage...
Sony has announced the Playstation 5 Access Controller, designed for gamers with disabilities launches on December 6th with pre-orders starting July 21st. Here is the...
Sony has today announced limited edition LeBron James PS5 accessories which launch on July 27th to select markets. The accessories include DualSense wireless controller and...