The First Truly Social RTS Millions of viewers around the world today watched the world premiere cinematic trailer for Frost Giant Studios’ eagerly-anticipated real-time strategy...
Today, 2K and Supermassive Games announced that The Quarry, an all-new teen-horror narrative game from Supermassive Games and the award-winning team behind Until Dawn, is...
Borderlands 3 will finally add PlayStation cross-play support this spring. You’ll be able to play with the whole community 😀 Taken from Engadget … Sure, Tiny Tina’s...
Today Epic Games announced that it completed a $1 billion round of funding, which will allow the company to support future growth opportunities. Epic’s equity...
Silver Rain Games, an interactive entertainment development studio co-founded by BAFTA-nominated actor and producer Abubakar Salim has signed a major deal with Electronic Arts Inc....
SET IN ARKHAM UNIVERSE, LAUNCHING 2022. Taken from Wccftech… Rumors about Arkham developer Rocksteady Studios was working on next have been circulating for years, but today...
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