Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the newest installment in the Final Fantasy VII remake project and one of 2024’s most-anticipated games, tells the tale of main...
Awaken, Flameborn! Enshrouded is finally OUT and available in Early Access! The realm of Embervale has been engulfed by the Shroud a long time ago, and has ever...
Chaotic multiplayer “DIY racer” Make Way, from indie developer Ice Beam Games and publisher Secret Mode, is turbo-charging into Steam Next Fest today. Supporting 1-4...
For Fans of ’80s Cartoons Inspired by beloved Saturday morning cartoons, MythForce unites swords & sorcery with gripping 1st-person combat in a new roguelike adventure. Brave the...
Final Fantasy XVI fans, great news: while Final Fantasy XVI launches in just under two weeks, you’ll be able to commence your journey to Valisthea tomorrow as...
Today, Square Enix Ltd., announced that the much-anticipated, debut title from studio Luminous Productions, Forspoken, is now available globally on the PlayStation 5 (PS5) console...
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