Skydance New Media, helmed by award-winning writer and director Amy Hennig, and Marvel Games today shared new details on their upcoming narrative-driven action-adventure game, Marvel...
Today, THQ Nordic and Pieces Interactive released horror-survival game Alone in the Dark, a faithful loveletter to the original. Set in the haunting Derceto Manor,...
SNK CORPORATION is proud to announce that FATAL FURY: City of the Wolves will be released in early 2025. SNK’s beloved Fatal Fury series first hit the market...
Game Pill, one of Canada’s leading and most experienced game development studios with over 100 game credits, is thrilled to announce a new original snack...
Warner Bros. Games today announced that MultiVersus, the free-to-play platform fighter videogame featuring an all-star cast of iconic characters, will officially launch on May 28,...
Pixel Chest and Hooded Horse are excited to share that their upcoming action/base-building hybrid Sons of Valhalla will release on PC next month on April 5th, 2024....
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