Steam saw an Increase in the Amount of Time Spent by Gamers During 2020

Not surprising … most of us were stuck at home during most of 2020. I, myself have spent at least 1-2 days per week gaming!

Taken from Engadget …  Valve has revealed Steam stats that show just how much we relied on games to get us through lockdowns and the shift to working from home.

Total hours played on Steam games skyrocketed by over 50 percent, from 20.8 billion in 2019 to around 31.3 billion. The platform pulled in a horde of new players as well. Each month, an average of 2.6 million people bought a Steam game for the first time. Valve says Steam hit new highs on other fronts, including monthly active users (120.4 million), daily players (62.6 million), peak concurrent users (24.8 million) and game purchases (21.4 percent more than 2019).

The fact that Steam usage soared shouldn’t be too surprising. Games that people can play with friends — such as Among UsFall Guys and Phasmophobia — proved to be massive hits in 2020 as folks sought ways to stay connected with others while remaining physically distant from them. There were a bunch of major single player games that made a splash too. For instance, despite its many, many issuesCyberpunk 2077 pulled in millions of players.

Source: Engadget


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