AMD Re-Releases Radeon Software Adrenalin 20.4.2 as a WHQL-signed Driver

New drivers are now available for download

Download it from TPU … AMD on Tuesday re-released its Radeon Software Adrenalin 20.4.2 graphics drivers as a WHQL-signed driver. The company hasn’t released a driver update since April 21 (the same 20.4.2 as a beta). With no new AAA game releases, there probably wasn’t much AMD could do. Then again, 20.4.2 beta came with a long list of “known issues” (new issues identified by AMD that needed to be solved), which could have been fixed in the last 35 days or so. The WHQL is identical to the beta. It comes with optimization for Gears Tactics and Predator: Hunting Grounds, and fixes a handful of issues. Grab the Radeon Software Adrenalin 20.4.2 WHQL from the link below.

DOWNLOAD: AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 20.4.2 WHQL

Source: TPU




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